This project was made for the Game Jam 2024.

This is your last chance to get some bubblegum before the store closes, but you need money! Collect coins from the passersby before time runs out!

It's only my second game jam, and my first solo project. I thought it would be easier using other code as a base, so this is actually a modification of Zep's Wall and Actor Collision demo that is included with PICO-8. While it made certain aspects easier, I didn't consider the fact that Zep is a really good programmer and I didn't quite follow along with all his computer magic, haha.

I definitely didn't have enough time to make what I had originally planned to, and the quality is somewhere between gum stuck under a table at a family restaurant and food that has been dropped on the ground outside. In fact, I think it just barely fits the definition of what could be called a game. But I wanted to get something uploaded, so here it is. That said, I plan to keep working on it and hopefully get it to a similar state as to what I originally envisioned. (Also, the name currently has nothing to do with the game since I had to cut down the scope so much. Hopefully that'll change soon!)

Version History
v0.1: It barely works, but there is a gameplay loop. Hallelujah. 
v0.11: Minor bug fixes.

Updated 15 days ago
Published 22 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, HTML5
Made withPICO-8


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bankrun.p8.png 12 kB

Install instructions

You should be able to play this directly from the browser now, so enjoy!

If you would like to download it, executables for Windows, Mac, and Linux have all been provided. Additionally, if you own PICO-8, a png cart is available as well. Enjoy and thanks for taking the time to play my game!

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